
General Information

Full Name Jeremy Rothschild
Languages English, French


  • 2022
    PhD, expected
    University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
    • I worked on solving stochastic models of population dynamics analytically and investigated the use of various approximations for analytically intractable models, to ascertain in which biological regimes certain models are valid.
    • I investigated mechanisms of receptor signaling that maximize accuracy estimation of external product concentration by the cell.
    • In a collaboration, I built simulations of nanoparticles in the tumor microenvironment to determine the dynamics of these particles in cancerous tissue and investigating various pathways of nanoparticle absorption by tumors.
  • 2017
    McGill University, Montréal, Canada
    • Advanced computational tools to predict the evolutionary path of the genetic network between various species of the Dipteran family.
    • Developed a mathematical framework of the genetic network of drosophila during embryogenesis and fit these models to experimental data.

Research Experience

  • 2017 - 2022
    Graduate Researcher
    Department of Physics, University of Toronto
    • Conceptualized research projects addressing the formation and dynamics of stochastic communities of interacting species. Conducted research on population models incorporating statistical theories, simulations and agent-based models to explore coexistence dynamics
    • Collaborated as in-house theoretician and liaison for 2 large experimental labs at the University of Toronto, publishing models of physical systems for both groups
    • Presented research at major scientific conferences such as the American Physical Society and the Biophysical Society of Canada
  • 2014 - 2017
    Graduate Researcher
    Department of Physics, McGill University
    • Investigated the evolutionary path of fruit flies and their ancestral relatives using a novel genetic algorithm framework
    • Implemented and maintained a genetic algorithm interlacing C and Python, debugging archival code to merge

Leadership Experience

  • 2017 - 2022
    Humans Learning Machine Learning, University of Toronto
    • Founded and promoted the growth of HLML, a graduate student organization dedicated to self-teaching and skill-sharing of data science topics
    • Secured over $5,000 in funding for the professional development of members such as funding invited speakers, hackathons, cloud computing accounts and MOOCs
    • Organized weekly tutorials and coding sessions for 10-20 participants. Created and taught 15+ tutorials for members on advanced topics such as Transformers, Diffusion models, Laplacian Eigenmaps, and SQL
  • 2017 - 2022
    Teaching Assistant
    University of Toronto
    • Developed and delivered novel teaching materials including tutorials and written notes in 10+ courses at the undergraduate and graduate level
    • Assessed the assignments of trainees, providing appropriate feedback and corrections to reports. Supplemented more personalized evaluation to struggling trainees
    • Served as intermediary between course instructors and course attendees, communicating expectations between the parties
    • Volunteered for 3 years as a mentor for aspiring graduate students
  • 2019 - 2020
    University of Toronto Graduate Student Union
    • Managed all meetings of the student union, synthesizing the desires of over 50 directors into concise motions. Ensured that discussions were focused whilst remaining inclusive
    • Mediated difficult discussions between confrontational groups to foster orderly and effective organizational projects

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Photography, running, soccer, creative writing, board games
  • Travel: Future travel plans include a pensive Himalayan trek, an unexpected journey in New Zealand and finding the hand of Franklin reaching for the Beaufort Sea
  • Novels: Dune, Lord of the Rings, War and Peace, Les Trois Mousquetaires, The Dark Tower, Preacher, Go Tell It on the Mountain, Blankets