
My publications by categories in reversed chronological order.


  1. bioRxiv
    Spatial exclusion leads to tug-of-war ecological dynamics between competing species within microchannels
    Rothschild, Jeremy, Ma, Tianyi, Milstein, Joshua N, and Zilman, Anton
    bioRxiv 2023


  1. PNAS
    Phenomenology and dynamics of competitive ecosystems beyond the niche-neutral regimes
    Leibovich, Nava,  Rothschild, Jeremy, Goyal, Sidhartha, and Zilman, Anton
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2022


  1. PRE
    Pleiotropy enables specific and accurate signaling in the presence of ligand cross talk
    Kirby, Duncan,  Rothschild, Jeremy, Smart, Matthew, and Zilman, Anton
    Physical Review E 2021
  2. Abundance transitions in multispecies stochastic Lotka-Volterra
    Rothschild, Jeremy, Leibovich, Nava, Zilman, Anton, and Goyal, Sidhartha
    In APS March Meeting Abstracts 2021


  1. Nat. Mater.
    The entry of nanoparticles into solid tumours
    Sindhwani, Shrey, Syed, Abdullah Muhammad, Ngai, Jessica, Kingston, Benjamin R, Maiorino, Laura,  Rothschild, Jeremy, MacMillan, Presley, Zhang, Yuwei, Rajesh, Netra Unni, Hoang, Tran, and others,
    Nature materials 2020


  1. Evolving networks as coupled differential equations: A phenotypic model of Dipterans during embryogenesis
    Rothschild, Jeremy


  1. PLoS Gen.
    Predicting ancestral segmentation phenotypes from Drosophila to anopheles using in silico evolution
    Rothschild, Jeremy B, Tsimiklis, Panagiotis, Siggia, Eric D, and François, Paul
    PLoS Genetics 2016